1. Applications are invited from qualified persons online on Board’s website (https://mhsrb.telangana.gov.in) for the posts of (i) Civil Assistant Surgeons (DPHFW); (ii) Tutors (DME); (iii) Civil Assistant Surgeon-General/General Duty Medical Officers (TVVP) and (iv) Civil Assistant Surgeons (IPM) in c
(1.1) ONLINE application will be enabled from 10.30 am on 15.7.2022.
(1.2) Last date for submission of ONLINE application is 5.00 pm on 14.8.2022.
(Note: One month time is provided between the issue of this notification and commencement of receipt of online application forms, to enable the persons with contract/outsourced experience in state government hospitals/institutions/programs to obtain experience certificates from competent authority).
2. The details of vacancies, age eligibility and scale of pay are given below:
(2.1) The number of vacancies is subject to variation on intimation being received from the department concerned. Addition or deletion of vacancies if any, can be done up to the declaration of result.
(2.2) For the all the above categories of posts, the candidates recruited are not eligible for private practice.
(3.1) Applicants will be selected based on 100 points of which:
(3.1.1) Maximum of 80 points will be awarded for percentage of marks obtained in qualifying exam.
(3.1.2) Maximum of 20 points will be awarded for service in state government hospitals/institutions/programmes on contract /outsourced basis.
(3.2) Maximum of 80 points shall be awarded based on the percentage of marks obtained in qualifying exam i.e., cumulative percentage marks obtained in all years of MBBS converted to a base of 80 percent. With respect to candidates who have done their graduate degree from foreign countries, the percentage of marks obtained in Foreign Medical Graduates Exam (FMGE) will be taken into account and converted to a base of 80 percent.
(3.3) Maimum of 20 points shall be awarded for the service in state government hospitals/institutions/programmes for both contract and outsourced employees as detailed below:
(3.3.1) 2.5 points per 6 months for service rendered in tribal areas.
(3.3.2 2 points per 6 months for service rendered in other than tribal areas.
(3.3.3) Points to be given for only completed 6 months
(3.4) Points shall be awarded for service (contract/outsourced) rendered in state government hospitals/institutions/programmes as per certificates issued by competent authority (Annexure-II)
(3.5) The applicants seeking experience certificate should apply to respective competent authority. After obtaining the experience certificate, the candidate should apply online for these posts. They should upload this experience certificate while applying online for the above posts.
(3.6) Points for contract/outsourced service rendered shall be awarded only for service in the same category of post for which application is made. (For example, if a candidate has applied for Staff Nurse post, she will not be given weightage for previous service rendered on contract/outsourced as ANM)
(3.7) The application for seeking experience certificate and the proforma in which experience certificate shall be issued by respective competent authorities are appended as Annexures III.A, III.B & III.C.
(3.8) Experience certificates other than those issued in formats specified at Annexure
III.B & III.C will not be taken into consideration.
(3.9) Date of notification shall be cut off date for calculating the weightage marks and competent authorities shall issue the experience certificates accordingly.
4.The applicants should rank their preferences in the online application form for posts in para (2) for which they are applying. The applicants will be selected as per their merit and their eligibility for the post as per order of preference duly following the reservations as per rules.
5. Merit list will be displayed on the Board’s website.
6. Before applying for the posts online, applicants are requested to keep the soft copy
(PDF) of the following documents ready for uploading:
i. Aadhaar Card
ii. SSC or 10th class Certificate (for date of birth proof)
iii. Consolidated MBBS marks memo
iv. MBBS certificate
v.FMGE exam marks memo and certificate (for applicants who have completed qualifying examination in foreign countries)
vi. Telangana Medical Council Registration Certificate
vii. Study Certificate (1st to 7th Class) for claiming local status
viii. For candidates who have not studied in any school, Residence Certificate (1st to
7th Class period) for claiming local status
ix. Community Certificate (SC/ST/BC) issued by the competent authority of
Telangana Government (as applicable)
x.Non-Creamy Layer Certificate in case of BCs issued by the competent authority of Telangana Government
xi. Latest ‘ Income and Asset Certificate’ for applicants claiming EWS
reservation issued by the competent authority of Telangana
xii. Sports certificate issued by competent authority for applicants claiming reservation under sports category
xiii. SADAREM certificate for applicants claiming PH reservation xiv. Service certificate for Ex-Servicemen claiming age relaxation xv. Service certificate for NCC Instructor claiming age relaxation
xvi. Service certificate for in-service (regular) applicants claiming age relaxation
xvii. Applicant’s Photograph Jpg/Jpeg/png
xviii. Applicant’s signature Jpg/Jpeg/png
7.The applicants who possess requisite qualification should apply online after satisfying themselves about the terms and conditions of this recruitment.
8.EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must possess the requisite qualifications as detailed below as on the date of the notification.
* Telangana State Medical Council Registration certificate may be obtained till the date of making online application.
9.Equivalent Qualification: At the time of verification of certificates, if it is noticed that any applicant who possesses a qualification other than MBBS and claims that said qualification is equivalent to MBBS, the matter shall be referred to an ‘Expert Committee’ constituted by the Board and the Board will take a decision based on the report of the ‘Expert Committee’.
10. AGE: The applicants should possess minimum age of 18 years and cannot exceed
maximum age of 44 years. The age is reckoned as on 01/07/2022 (Rule- 12(1)(a)(v)
of State and Subordinate Service Rules).
(Upper age limit of 44 years is considered as per G.O.Ms.No.42, General
Administration (Ser.A) Dept., Dt: 19/03/2022)
11. Age Relaxations: The upper age limit prescribed above is however relaxed in the following cases:
(11.1) Provided that the persons referred at S.No.2 & 3 in the above table shall, after making deductions referred to in Sub Rule–12(c) (i) & (ii) of Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules, not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post.
(11.2) The age relaxation for Ex-servicemen is applicable for those who have been released from armed forces other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.
(11.3) Age relaxation for NCC Instructor: A person who was recruited as a whole- time Cadet Corps Instructor on or after the 1st January, 1963 on his discharge from the NCC either before or after expiry of the initial or extended tenure of his office in NCC having served for a period of not less than six months prior to his release from the NCC.
(11.4) However, no person shall be eligible if he/she crossed 61 years of age
(superannuation age) after availing of the eligible age relaxations as on
12. FEE:
(12.1) Online Application Fee: Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) towards Online Application Fee. There is no fee exemption under this category.
(12.2) Examination/Processing Fee: The applicant must pay Rs. 120/- (Rupees One Hundred and Twenty Only) towards Examination/Processing Fee. However, the following categories of applicants are exempted from payment of examination/processing fee.
(12.2.2) Unemployed applicants in the age group of 18 to 44 years of Telangana
(12.2.3) Note: Applicants belonging to other states are not exempted from payment of Fee.
(12.3) Mode of Fee Payment:
(12.3.1) The fee is to be paid online through payment gateway duly following online instructions once the application form details are filled.
(12.3.2) The fee once remitted, shall not be refunded, or adjusted under any circumstances. Failure to pay the Online Application fee and Examination/Processing fee, wherever applicable, will entail total rejection of application. If full payment of both Online Application fee and examination/processing fee (unless exempted) is not made, the application will not be accepted.
13. Procedure for Application:
(13.1) The application has to be made online on MHSRB website from 10.30 am on 15.7.2022 to 5.00 pm on 14.8.2022.
(13.2) The applicants should upload all required certificates (original certificates have to be produced for verification at the time of scrutiny before finalizing the selection list).
(13.3) Applications once submitted online shall be final and no changes shall be permitted thereafter.
(13.4) Upon submission of online form, Reference ID Number shall be generated.
The same may be used for any future reference.
(13.5) Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of the application form carefully. The applicant alone shall be responsible for information provided by them and decisions taken by Board based on the same.
(13.6) Incomplete / incorrect application form will be rejected. The information if any furnished by the applicant subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the Board under any circumstances.
(13.7) The applicant should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated, or suppress any material information while submitting online application. The applicant shall be liable for criminal action in such cases.
(14.1) The required original certificates should be submitted at the time of verification of certificates or whenever called for. Failure to produce the required certificates will lead to disqualification.
(14.2) Important: The claim of the applicants with regard to the date of birth, educational qualifications and community etc., are accepted provisionally on the basis of information furnished by them in their application form and is subject to verification and satisfaction of the Board. Mere inclusion of the name of an applicant in a Merit List will not confer on the applicant any right for appointment. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Board reserves the right to reject candidature at any stage of the selection even after declaration of results, if any mistake is noticed at a later date.
15. As per G.O.Ms.No.14 WCD & SC Dept., dated 25.4.2022, the posts notified herein are exempt from the following benchmark disabilities:
(i) Blindness and low vision
(ii) Deaf and hard of hearing
(iii) Autism, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability and Mental
(iv) Multiple Disabilities
(15.1) The above categories of disabilities will be interchanged by providing 4%
reservation to the said posts in favor of persons with locomotor disability. (15.2) Physically Challenged applicants who are claiming reservations under Disability
quota must note that they will be referred to State Medical Board (Appellate Medical Authority) after completion of certificate verification. The report of Medical Board is final.
(15.3) Request for re-medical-examination by the State Medical Board (Appellate
Medicl Authority) for assessment of disability will not be entertained.
(15.4) Guidelines for evaluation of various disabilities and procedure for certification are mentioned in G.O.Ms.No.31, WD, CW & (DW) Dept, Dt:01-12-
16. Printout of downloaded application form as well as original certificates /documents as mentioned at Para (6) have to be submitted at the time of certificate verification.
17. Important Provisions Governing the Recruitment Process:
(17.1) There shall be no waiting list as per G.O. Ms. No. 81 General Administration
(Ser.A) Department, Dated 22/02/1997.
(17.2) Unfilled and Non-Joining vacancies will be carried forward to next recruitment.
(17.3) The Recruitment will be processed as per this notification and as per the rules and instructions issued by Government from time to time in terms of respective special rules/adhoc rules governing the recruitm
18. Disqualification for appointment: Any applicant can be disqualified at any stage as per Rule-12(4) of Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules.
19. Reservation: -
(19.1) The rule of reservation is applicable in terms of General Rule 22 & 22 (A) of
Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules.
(19.2) If eligible disabled women applicants of OH(W) category are not available in the initial recruitment, the same shall be filled up by the eligible male candidates as per G.O.MS. No. 96 General Administration (Ser.D) Department, Dt. 22/07/2019.
(19.3) Reservation for BC-E group as per G.O. Ms. No. 23 Backward Classes Welfare (C.2) Department, Dt. 07/07/2007, will be subject to the adjudication of the litigation before the Honorable Courts including final orders in Civil Appeal No: (a) 2628-2637 of 2010 in SLP. No. 7388-97 of 2010, dated. 25/03/2010 and orders from the Government.
(19.4) The reservation for ‘Meritorious Sports Persons’ is applicable as per the amendments made to State and Subordinate Service Rules (G.O.Ms.No.107, General Administration (Ser.D) Dept., Dt. 27-07-2018) and G.O. Ms. No.5
YAT&C(Sports) Department, Dt. 14/05/2018, or as may be revised by the
Government from time to time.
(19.5) Economically Weaker Sections: The EWS reservation is applicable as per G.O. Ms. No. 243 & 244 GA (SER.D) Dept., Dt. 24/08/2021.
20. Community Certificate: (a) The applicants belonging to SC & ST are required to produce Community Certificate issued by the competent authority of Government of Telangana. (b) The applicants belonging to Backward Classes are required to produce Community Certificate (BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D & BC-E) issued by the Competent Authority of Government of Telangana obtained through Mee-Seva (c) Applicants belonging to EWS for claiming EWS Reservation should produce Income & Asset Certificate issued by competent authority of Government of Telangana.
(20.1) Note: The Applicants belonging to states other than Telangana are not entitled to any kind of reservation.
(21.1) The posts are classified into Multi-Zonal and local reservation is applicable.
(21.2) Local Reservation (95%) is applicable as per Para-8 of G.O.Ms.No.124
General Administration (SPF-MC) Department, dated:30.08.2018.
(21.3) Local Candidate is defined in Para-7 of G.O.Ms.No.124 General Administration (SPF-MC) Department, Dated:30.08.2018. The extract of Para-7 is as follows:
(21.3.1) A candidate for direct recruitment to any post shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area,-
(a) in cases where a minimum educational qualification has been prescribed for recruitment to the posts,-
(i) if he has studied in an educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or, as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination; or
(ii) where during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination he has not studied in any educational institution, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the qualifying examination in which he appeared, or as the case may be, first appeared.
(b) In cases where no minimum educational qualifications has been prescribed for recruitment to the post, if he has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately preceding the date on which the post is notified for recruitment.
Explanations: For the purpose of this paragraph,-
(i) ‘educational institution’ means a University or any educational institution recognized by the State Government, a University or other competent authority;
(ii) relevant qualifying ex amination in relation to a post means,-
(a) the examination, a pass in which is the minimum educational qualification prescribed for the post;
(b) the Seventh Class examination or an examination declared by the State Government to be equivalent to the Seventh Class
examination; whichever is lower;
(iii) in reckoning the consecutive academic years during which a candidate has studied, any period of interruption of his study by reason of his failure to pass any examination shall be disregarded;
(iv) the question, whether any candidate for direct recruitment to any post has resided in any local area shall be determined with reference to the places where the candidate actually resided and not with reference to the residence of his parents or other guardian.
(21.3.2) A candidate for direct recruitment to any post who is not regarded as a local candidate under sub-paragraph (1) in relation to any local area shall,-
(a) in cases where a minimum educational qualification has been prescribed for recruitment to the post,
(i) If he has studied in educational institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination be regarded as a local candidate in relation to,-
(A) Such local area where he has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(B) Where the periods of his study in two or more local areas are equal, such local areas where he has studied last in such equal periods;
(ii) If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or as the case may be first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he has not studied in the educational institutions in any local area, but has resided in the State during the whole of the said period of seven years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to,-
A) Such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(B) Where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal, such local area where he has resided last in such equal periods;
(b) In cases where no minimum educational qualification has been prescribed for recruitment to the post, if he has resided in the State for a period of not less than seven years immediately preceding the date on which the post is notified for recruitment, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to,-
(i) such local area where he has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years; or
(ii) where the periods of his residence in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he has resided last in such equal periods.
(c) In cases where Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped persons studied in the special schools meant for them, the native place of the parents of such Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped persons.
(21.4) The following are the Present Multi Zones in the Telangana State vide
G.O.Ms. No. 124, G.A. (SPF-MC) Dept., Dated: 30/08/2018 and amended vide G.O.Ms. No. 128, G.A. (SPF-I) Dept., Dated: 30/06/2021 read with G.O.Rt.No.74, Revenue (DA-CMRF) Dept., dt:12/08/2021:
(22.1) Applicants should make sure of their eligibility to the posts applied for and that the declaration made by them in the application form regarding their eligibility is correct in all respects. Any applicant furnishing incorrect information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any
stage or suppressing any information is liable to be debarred from appearing for any of the examinations conducted by the Board, and for summary rejection of candidature for this recruitment.
(22.2) The Board is vested with the duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process. Any attempt by anyone causing or likely to cause breach of this duty or by any action which violates or is likely to violate fair practices followed and ensured by the Board will be sufficient cause for rendering such action as ground for debarment and penal consequences as per law and rules shall be involved as may be decided by the Board.
(22.3) If any applicant is or has been found impersonating or resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his / her candidature for selection or obtaining support of candidature by any means, such an applicant may in addition to rendering himself/ herself liable to criminal prosecution, will be debarred permanently from any exam or selection.
(22.4) If an applicant himself/herself or through relations or friends or any others has canvassed or endeavored to enlist for his/her candidature, whether from official or non-official sources, for appointment to any State Service or Subordinate Service shall be disqualified.
Please read the following Annexures appended to the Notification before filling the application form.
Annexure-I Break up of vacancies.
Annexure-II Competent authority to issue ‘Experience Certificate (EC)’.
Annexure-III Proforma for Experience Certificate.
Applicants are directed to visit the Board’s Website (https://mhsrb.telangana.gov.in) regularly to know the latest developments of this recruitment and any changes/ modifications/ results/ calling of applicants for verification of Certificates etc. Applicants may note that individual communication shall not be made. Hence, they must regularly visit the MHSRB website for updates.
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