Recruitment of various post in OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE, KEONJHAR

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Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the intending candidates for filling up the following vacant posts Le. Jr. Clerk-cum-Copyist, Jr. Typists and Jr. Stenographers in the Judgeship of Keonjhar in the Pay Matrix of Rs.19,900  -   63,200/-,   Rs.19,900  -    63,200/-   and   Rs.25,500  -    81,100/­ respectively with usual D.A. and other allowances as admissible by the Government from time to time.

The number of above vacancies in different categories of post may increase or decrease

The  decision  of  the  District Judge,  Keonjhar  as to  the  result of  the

Examination shall be final and in no case, shall be liable to be challenged.

Reservation in respect of Women! Physically Handicapped persons! Ex­ Servicemen! Sports persons is made as per Rule.

Theaforesaid vacant posts are to be filled up on regular basis in accordance with the provisions contained in "tne  Orissa District & Subordinate Courts' Non-Judicial  Staff Services (Method of  Recruitment  and  Condition of Service) Rules, 2008 and as amended in Amendment Rules, 2010" Subject  to the result of w.p.(e) No. 1273 of 2014.


For the Post of Jr. Clerk-cum-Copyist,  Jr. TyPist & Jr. Stenographer

(i)   Must be a citizen of India.

(ii)   Must  have  passed  at  least  +2  examination  conducted  by  the Council constituted under section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education   Act,   1982  or   its   equivalent   examination   from   a recognized Council! Board or University, as the case may be.

(iii)  Must have passed at least Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute. 

(iv)Must  be over  18 years  and below  32 years  of age  on the  last date fixed  for  receipt  of application   (Provided  that the  upper  age  limit in respect of reserved categories  of candidates  shall be relaxed in accordance  with the provisions  of the relevant Act,  Rules, Orders  or Instructions  for the time  being  in force,  for  the  respective  reserved categories).

(v)   Be able  to  speak,  read and  write  Odia  and  have  passed  a test  in

Odia equivalent  to the M.E. standard. (vi)      Be of good character.

(vii)Be of sound  health, good physique  and free from organic  defects  or bodily  infirmity;  and

(viii) Have not more than one spouse  living, if married.

(ix)      Have no criminal  antecedent  on the date of application.

(x)For the  post  of Junior  Typist,  the  criteria/  conditions   are  as above and  in addition  to that,  he must  have  knowledge   of Type  Writing with a speed of 40 words  per minute  in English.

(xi) For  the   post   of  Stenographer    Grade-III   (Jr.  Stenographer),    the criteria/  conditions   are  as  above  and  in addition   to  that,  he must have   possessed    minimum    speed   of   80   words   per   minute   in shorthand   and  minimum  speed  of 40 words  per  minute  in English Typing


The  candidates are  required to  deposit fees of  Rs_100/-(Rupees one hundred)  only  in  shape  of  Treasury  Challan  under  the  Head  1I0070-other administrative   services-01-administration   of    Justice-S01-Services  and Service fees-0010-chargesfor service  provided-02177-examination fees for recruitment conducted  by  Orissa  District   &  Subordinate Courts"   and to submit the original copy of challan along with their application forms

The SC/ST andidates are exempted from payment of the Examination 

The candidates are required to submit their application being duly filled in and signed by their own hands furnishing the required particulars as per the format given below. The  candidates who are in Government employment are required to apply their candidature for the post through proper channel along with the No Objection Certificate obtaining from the competent Authority. 


The  application  along  with  the  required  documents  and  self-attested copies of certificates must reach the office of the District Judge, Keonjhar on or before 13.06.2022 either in person during office hours on each working day or by Post. Applications  received in the office after the last date shall be summarily rejected. The Application shall be submitted in the address of Registrar,  Civil

Courts, Keonjhar,  At/PO: Keonjharqarh,  Dist: Keonjhar,  

(i) Separate application should be submitted for each post mentioning the name of post clearly (in capital  Letters  with underline)  on the top of the envelope.

(ii)   Non-compliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the Advertisement  shall entail  rejection of  hisl  her  application. The application, if found defective andl or incomplete in any respect, shall be summarily rejected.

(iii)In case of receipt of  large number of applications, the authority reserves the right to short list the candidates in accordance with the Rules contained in Orissa District & Subordinate Courts Non­ Judicial  Staff Services (Method of  Recruitment and Condition of service) Rules, 2008 (Amendment Rules, 2010)


N.B.:Only successful candidates in the Part-I examinations shall be called for the Test of Computer Science (Practical) and the candidates qualified in the said practical test shall be eligible for Viva-Voce Test. 

N.B.:   Only the successful candidates in the Part-l examination shall be called for Shorthand  &  Typewriting  Test, Computer Science  (Practical) Test and Viva-Voce Tes

The candidates  shall bring  their own Typewriter  Machine for the Test.

The Syllabus of the Examination is as provided  in  "Tne  Orissa District  & Subordinate  Courts'  Non-JUdicial  Staff Services  (method of Recruitment   and  Condition  of Service)  Rules,  2008 and as amended in Amendment  Rules, 2010.

No Travelling  allowance  is admissible  to the candidates.

Date  of  examination   shall  be  intimated   to  the  candidates   through

Letter,  Office Notice Board and District  Court Website. 


For   the    Post   of    Jr.    C/erk-cum-Copving,   Jr.    Tvpist   and   Jr.


(i) Copy   of   self-attested   H.S.C.   Examination   certificate   or   any equivalent certificate in support of date of birth.

(ii)       Copy of self-attested +2 Examination Certificate conducted by the Council   Constituted   under   Section-3   of   the   Orissa   Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination of recognized Council, Board or University, as the case may be.

(iii)      Copy of self-attested certificate showing to have passed at least Diploma in Computer Application issued by a recognized Institute.

(iv)   Copy of self-attested mark sheet of the H.S.C. Examination or any equivalent examination.

(v)Copy of self-attested mark sheet  of the  +2 Examination or any equivalent examination.

(vi)     Two   Character  Certificates  issued  by  two   Gazetted  Officersl Medical Practitionersl Sarpanch etc. (Mention name, designation of the Officer).

(vii)    Treasury Challan in Original showing to have deposited a sum of

Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) only in the appropriate head.

(viii)    Four self signed recent passport size photographs (one is to be affixed in the application on the space provided).

(ix)  Two self-addressed envelopes affixing postal stamp of Rs.5-/ (five)on each.

(x) One  declaration  regarding  marital  status  showing  to  have  one spouse living, if married.

(xi) Copy of self-attested Typewriting Certificate issued by a recognized institute [for the post of Junior Typist].

(xii)     Copy of self-attested copy of Shorthand &  Typewriting Certificate issued  by  a  recognized  institute  [for  the  post  of  Stenographer Grade-III (Jr. Stenographer)];

(xiii)    Self declaration showing that hel she has no criminal antecedent;

(xiv)Copy of Caste Certificate issued by the appropriate Authority duly attested by a Gazetted Officer in respect of Candidates belonging to SCI ST categories with signature of the candidates thereon.

(xv)    A copy of Medical Certificate showing the percentage of physical disability  issued by the  appropriate authority  duly  attested  by a Gazetted Officer with signature of the candidates thereon in respect of physically handicapped candidate only

(xvi)Copy of self-attested document showing to have at least passed, a test  in odia, equivalent to  M.E. standard, who  have passed 10th

Board Examination in the medium other than Odia.

Sd/- C.R.Mohapatra/ 12.05.2022

District  Judge-cum-Chairman,

District  Recruitment  Committee,  Keonjhar 

9.      Category: SC/ST/SEBC/GEN/Sports PersonI Ex-Serviceman. (Strike out which is not applicable and attach the supporting documents issued by the competent authority)

10.    Whether physicallyl orthopedically handicapped. (If yes, attach supporting medical certificate issued by the competent Medical AuthOrity!Board)

11.    Religion

12.    Nationality

13.    Employment  Exchange  Registration   No.

14.    Attach two character certificates issued by Gazetted Officer!

Medical    Practitioner!    Sarpanch    etc.    (mention    name, designation of the officers)

15.    Details of Treasury  Challan  with  No. & date.


I do hereby solemnly affirm and state that I am aware of the provisions of Orissa District and Sub Ordinate Court's Non-Judicial Staff Services (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2008 (Amendment Rules, 2010) and the statements made above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and based on record.


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