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National  Council  of Educational  Research  & Training,  New Delhi                


The  Regional   Institute   of  Education,   Mysuru   will  conduct   Walk-in-Intel'view    for  the following  posts at the Institute  in the Chamber's  of the Principal purell{ 011 Contractual  Basis for the Academic Session 

In this connection,  candidates   are inform to go through  details of Vacancy Notification along with  Guidelines  specified  before attending  the Interview.

Academic  record  with  at least 55% marks  (or an equivalent  grade  of B in the 7 points  scale with later Grades  0, A, B, C, D, E and F at the master's  degree  level) in the relevant  subject from an Indian  University  or an equivalent   degree  from  an accredited   Foreign  University.  Relaxation  of 5% marks  will  be provided   for SC/ST  candidates.

Besides fulfilling  the above qualifications,  candidates  should  have cleared  the National  Eligibility Test (NET) in the  relevant  subject for lecturers  conducted   by the UGC/ CSIR or any  other  agency  accredited  by UGc.  Exemption,  if any to be provided   will be strictly  as per guidelines  issued  by MHRD, GOI and UGC to persons  who  have  obtained  Ph,D. degree  in accordance  with  the standards   as prescribed  by the UGC under University   Grants  Commission   (Minimum  standards   and  procedures   for award  of M. Phil /  Ph.D degree) Regulations,  2018 (hereinafter  referred  to as "M. Phil /  Ph.D Regulations  of 2018")

Age relaxation   in respect   of SCjST/OBC  and  other  categories   will  be applicable   as per  Govt.  of India  Rules.  Those  who fulfill   the  eligibility   conditions   may attend  the walk-in-interview     with  their  bio­ data,  with  a recent  passport   size photograph   and  original  testimonials,   proof  of age, Caste certificate  in rio SCjST/OBC   and  produce   a set  of  self-attested    copies  of  testimonials    for  scrutiny   one  hour  before  the commencement    of the interview.   In the absence  of these  required   documents  applicants   will not be allowed to attend  the interview.   Medium   of instruction   is English.   No T A will  be paid  for attending   the interview.
1.Candidates    are inform  to attend  the Interview   in the respective   posts  as per scheduled   date & time  should  visit  the Institute   one hour  before  the commencement   of Interview  for the purpose of verification   of documentation.  

2.If the intends to  apply  for  different   posts   they  should   submit   separate   photocopies  of all testimonials   with   self-attestation   along   with   separate   recent   passport    size  photograph   to facilitate   for the verification.

3.It is compulsory to produce  Original  Certificates/festimonials   for verification purpose.

Those   who   have   already   served   in  this   Institute/D    M  School  for  3 Academic sessions   in any capacity  are not eligible.

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