Recruitment of various post in Universityof Horticulture & Forestry,

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 Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar Universityof Horticulture & Forestry, Nauni (Solan)

 Himachal Pradesh

Office   of the Registrar,  Establishment  & Recruitment  Branch

Applications  on the  prescribed  form  which can be downloaded from  University website         are  invited   for   filling   up of  following   posts.    The application will however be considered  valid only, if  it  is accompanied with  the  prescribed  fee mentioned at Sr. No.1 under "Instructions/Other     Conditions" below, in the shape of Bank Draft drawn on State  Bank of India/UCO  Bank Nauni (Solan)-173230  (HP) payable to the  Comptroller, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University  of Horticulture   & Forestry,  Nauni (Solan). Applications  complete in all respect,  should reach the Recruitment  Branch, %     the Registrar,  Dr. YSP UHF, Nauni (Solan) latest  by 30.06.2022.    The candidates applying from  the tribal  areas may send their  application

form complete in all respect  latest  by 07.07.2022.

.      The  candidates   who  have  applied  earlier    in  response  to  Advertisement    NO.02/2020  dated
11.12.2020    need not to  apply•again.     However.  they  may send-their   additional  achievements achieved  during  .the   intervening   period   before   the   prescribed    last   date   for   submission  of application  forms.
3. Application fee once paid will not be refunded.
4. These posts will be filled  up purely on contract  basis initially  for  a period of one year which maybe extendable  on year to year basis, as per policy of the  State  Government. ,
5.The candidate  selected  for appointment to the above posts on contract  basis shall have to execute
a contract  with the  University i.e. Dr. YSP UHF as per rules of the  University.
6. Candidates  claiming reservation   under Economically Weaker  Section  shall have to submit "Income and  Asset  Certificate"    in respect   of  their  family,  duly  issued  by the  competent   authority   on the   prescribed   format   as  specified   in Department   of  Personnel's  (State    Government  of  HP) instruction  No.PER(AP)-C-B(12)-1I2019    dated   11.03.2019    alongwith their  application form  or before  the  closing date  of receipt  of applications  prescribed   in this  advertisement,    failing which their   application  will not  be  considered.     Also,  if  any  BPL candidate   is applying for  the  post reserved   for. Economically Weaker  Section,   he/she  shall  have to  submit  a valid BPL certificate countersigned  by the  Block Development Officer   and also a non-SC/ST /OBC certificate    issued by the  competent  authority.
7.If   no suitable   candidate    belonging to  Economically Weaker   Section   is  found,   the   vacancies
earmarked   for  Economically Weaker  Section  at  Sr.  No.13  in the  table  will be treated    as  de­
reserved   and will be filled  from  a non-EWS  candidate   of  unreserved   category.
8Evaluation of a candidate  for  the post at Sr. No.1 (Professor/equivalent)   will be done in accordance with the  scorecard   framed  and notified  by the  University vide Notification  No.UHF.Regr.Rectt.2-
02/2013/-32693-728     dated  28.12.2013 and. evaluation.of a candidate  for  the  posts at  Sr. No.2 to
19 (Assistant   Professor/equivalent)    will be  done  in accordance   with  the  scorecard   framed  and notified   by the   University  vide  Notification   No.UHF.Regr.Rectt.2-11112020/-7581-7620    dated
14.07.2020.       Both   these    notified    scorecards     are    available   on   the    University   website  For the  purpose of awarding marks as per criteria  prescribed   in the  Scorecard   except   presentation   and  interview  of  a  candidate,   the   last  date   of  receipt   of applications will be reckoned  and no marks will be given for  the  achievement(s)  gained, during the intervening period i.e. from the  last date of receipt  of applications and the date  of interview.
9.In respect   of posts  of Assistant  Professor/equivalent    (Sr.  No.2 to  18),  those  Ph.D. candidates, whose registration   in their  Ph.D.  Programme is prior to  11.07.2009   and are  not NET qualified, will have  to  submit  the   "Certificate    of  NET  exemption",   issued   in their   favour,   from  the competent   authority    of  University/Institution,      from  where  they   had  qualified  their   Ph. D., verifying  therein   points  (a)  to  (e)  prescribed   under  the   heading  "Qualification"   above,   with their  application  form,  failing which their  application  is liable to  be rejected   straightway.
10.The applicant must be a Citizen of India.
11.A candidate   applying for  more  than  one post  should send  separate    application  form  for  each post  alongwith prescribed   application fee.
12 Candidate should be minimumof 18 years and not more than 45 years  of age.  The upper age limit is
relaxable  by five years  for  candidates  belonging to  the  Scheduled  Caste/Scheduled   Tribe/Other Backward  Class/Persons    with   Disabilities,   of   Himachal  Pradesh   only,  as   per   provisions   in Rules/Instructions         of      the       H.P..    Government.            The      minimum    and      maximum age limit shall be reckoned  as on 01.01.2022   (01.01.2020   in  respect     of   candidates     who have   applied   in response    to   Advertisement      No.02/2020).  It is further   clarified  that  the upper age limit fixed  in the  advertisement   shall not be applicable in case  of candidates  already  in service  in Government/Semi-Government/Recognized   Institutions.
13 Applicants already  in service  should send  their  application forms  through  proper  channel beside
advance  copy to  this  University  alongwith prescribed   fee  which should reach  in this  University upto the  last date  of receipt  of application.
14.Number of post(s)  is/are  tentative  and may increase  or decrease   from time to time for  different categories  of post.
15.The date  of  determining  eligibility of all candidates   in respect   of  essential  qualification  (s) and experience,  if any, shall be the  prescribed  last date  for  receipt  of applications i.e. 30.06.2022   for candidates  from Non-Tribal Areas and 07.07.2022   for  candidates  from tribal  areas. 
16.    The reservation  indicated above has been given as per rules/instructions  of the  State  Government and the same will  be provided to candidates  of  Himachal  Pradesh  only.   The reserved  category candidates  belonging to other  states  will be treated  as GENERAL CATEGORYCANDIDATES and the  benefit   of  reservation   and fee  concession will not be admissible  to  such candidates.
17.That post at Sr. No.6  will be filled  up under Krishi Vigyan Kendra and post at 51'. No.7 will be filled up under "AICRP on Postharvest".
18. Canvassingdirect  or indirect  will be a disqualification.
19Any further   information  about qualifications  or job requirements  can be had from the office  of th
20.Incomplete  applications  or those received after   the last date will not be entertained  and rejected
21  The University  reserves the right  not to fill  up the post, without  assigningany reason.
22.Though every care has been taken, yet  any inadver-tent error  is subject  to correction.
23.The  candidates  are  advised  to  check  the  University   website   on regular  intervals  for  further   updates.
24.The candidate selected  for  appointment to the above posts on contract   basis shall have to execute a contract  with  the  University  i.e. Dr. YSP UHF cisper rules of the University.
25.The University  reserves  the  right  to change any of  the terms  of the advertisement   or to rectify the inadvertent  errors  at any stage.
(Sandeep Ne  I,

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