Recruitment of various post in MI~~ION l)II{I~C I OH. NA 11U'\.\L HJ:..ALI H IVII~IO', J&

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 MI~~ION l)II{I~C I OH. NA 11U'\.\L HJ:..ALI H IVII~~IO', J&~

.lammu   (lfJic(':     Regional Institute ef Ile»111.l1:.  Famil~ \\ eltare  to.agrola. Jammu

Fax:OIOI-2674114  Tel<p'wlle:2674244.Pin;  181"1

Kashmir   OHic,':  Block fl._  Ground Flu",. Old Secretariat. Srinagar. Pin: 190001

NHl\1  Rei I Line  for Jammu   Division:    18001800104:   Kashmir   Division:   18001800102

Advertisement   Notice  for Hiring  of Services  of Specialists   and  Medical  Officers

(M1JBS) under  National   Health  Mission,  .J&K

Applications   are  invited  regarding   the  walk-in  interview   for  hiring  the  services  in  the following streams/categories   on contractual  basis, under National  Health Mission, J&K for

health facilities of Jammu Division.

1. Eliaibility-  -

List 01 documents    to  be attached    wuu  rnc appucauun     torrn:
i)      Dale of Birth Certificate.
ii)     Domicile Certificate/Address Proof. iii)    Degree of requisite Qualification.
iv)    Marks sheet of all years/ onc consolidated marks sheet indicating marks of all the years of the
required qualification for the post applied tor. v)     PO Degree I Diploma mark sheets.
vi)    Copy of Registration Certificate issued by the Medical Council of India! J&K State Medical
2   Eliaibilitv for  Medical Officers' -
List 01 documents    to  be attached    wuu  rnc appucauun     torrn:
i)      Dale of Birth Certificate.
ii)     Domicile Certificate/Address Proof. iii)    Degree of requisite Qualification.
iv)    Marks sheet of all years/ onc consolidated marks sheet indicating marks of all the years of the
required qualification for the post applied tor. v)     PO Degree I Diploma mark sheets.
vi)    Copy of Registration Certificate issued by the Medical Council of India! J&K State Medical
2   Eliaibilitv for  Medical Officers' -
List 01 documents    to  be attached    wuu  rnc appucauun     torrn:
i)    Dale of Birth Certificate.
ii)  Domicile Certificate/Address Proof. iii)    Degree of requisite Qualification.
iv) Marks sheet of all years/ onc consolidated marks sheet indicating marks of all the years of the
required qualification for the post applied tor. v)     PO Degree I Diploma mark sheets.
vi)    Copy of Registration Certificate issued by the Medical Council of India! J&K State Medical
I.    POSt applied for
2.    NOl11e of  Candidate                                                                                           _
4.D~tc of llirth
5.PermanentAddress _
6IZ-mail f COIlUlCI No. _
7.Details of Qunliflcnt   ion:  (viz .YIUDS 1/11/111/1V)
MUDS lst Year
MBBS 2nd Y~flr
I.  The siatemcnr  in this applicaticn is true to the best of nl)  kno« ledge and bchcf
II.   I have never been debarred from appearing at any examination  interview,
11.1.I have never been prosecuted or involved in any criminal case registered by the police or convicted by the criminal COIlI1.
IV.  I shall accept the sclc ...lion made by the selection ccmmiucc. which "ill  be binding on me.
l undcrtake that any willful concealment of the facts  shall result in the caucelluuon of 11l~ candidate and debarring me from applying in future.
Signature  or apphcunt 
I. Post applied  for
2, Name of Candidarc
3, Parentag
4,Date of Birth
5, Permanent Address
(i,  E•maill   Contact  1:\0,
7.  Details of Qualification:     (viz 11111111/1 "j
Board  1 {jnhcr,il)
hI  Year
2ntl Year
3rd  Ycnr
4th  Year
(CU  II1U 1(1Ii ve)
8  Dare of completion  of Degree
9,   F.xpcricncc  if any:
10,   No, of Enclosures                                                _
II.   I do hereby declare that
I.    The suucmcm in this application is true 10 the best of my knowledge and belief. II.   I have never been debarred from appearing at any cxnminarlou' interview.
Ill,   I have ne'er   been prosecuted  or involved  in uny criminal  case registered  b} the police or convicted
by the  criminal   court.
IV.  I shall accept the selection  made by the selccuon commiucc. which \\ ill be bindmg on me

I undertake that any \\ illful concealment   of the Ilteh shall result  III the cancellanon   "f ttl)' candidate and debarring  me from applying  m future,

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